Address: 3 Rue Victor Massé
Nearest transport: Pigalle (ligne 12)
Hours: Closed Saturdays and Sundays
Reservations: recommended
Telephone: 01 48 78 55 60
Rating Standards: 5-Stars = Extraordinary; 4-Stars = Excellent; 3-Stars = Average; 2-Stars = Fair; 1-Star = Poor
€ = Inexpensive: 30€ and under; €€ = Moderate: 31€-49€; €€€ = Expensive: €50 -75; €€€€ = Very Expensive: more than €76 (prices based on minimum 2-courses)
€ = Inexpensive: 30€ and under; €€ = Moderate: 31€-49€; €€€ = Expensive: €50 -75; €€€€ = Very Expensive: more than €76 (prices based on minimum 2-courses)
1-Bell = Pleasantly quiet (less than 65 decibels); 2-Bells = Can talk easily (65-70); 3-Bells = Talking normally gets difficult (70-75); 4-Bells = Can talk only in raised voices (75-80); BOMB = Too noisy for normal conversation (80+)
4 - Stars.............................................€€ (Pre-fix menu)...............................................3 - Bell
This restaurant has only
been open for a little more than a year. A friend suggested we go. It is
difficult to get a reservation, but she managed to get a seating for 9:30 p.m. mid-week. As we walked
in, the first thing I noticed, it was packed.
There were maybe 30 seats, and every nook and cranny of available space
was used, even a portion of the bar. In addition, I noticed that
they turned tables, probably because of its popularity. We actually had to wait for a couple to vacate their table so the restaurant could accommodate us.
We were 5-people. Prior to
coming to the restaurant I looked at their menu on their website, it was pretty
much what we had available to us that evening.
Maquereaux en escabèche,
raifort parmesan et radis croquant (marinated mackerel, horseradish and
parmesan crisp radishes). As we all know, mackerel can be very strong
tasting. This particular mackerel was extremely mild. In fact, I would've liked it a little stronger. The dish was served with
greens. It was nothing extraordinary or special, but very good none-the-less.
The Terrine de foie gras,
chutney de coings (foie gras terrine, quince chutney). Our friend who had the
dish also said it was good, but nothing out of the ordinary.
Risotto truffes noires
(risotto with black truffles). I had a
taste of this dish, and I have to say this dish was a hit. It was cooked
perfect, al dente, and although the parmesan cheese was prominent, it did not
overwhelm the dish at all, same with the truffles, it gave the dish an earthy
Huîtres en tartare, bouillon
cresson, wasabi-soja (oyster tartare, watercress soup, wasabi-soy). The dish
was very colorful, and beautifully presented in its simplicity. Our friend who
had this dish said it was fabulous, a big hit. I gathered that since after he
finished the dish, the bowl looked as if it had just come out of the
I had the cochon de lait,
poires-céleri-châtaignes (suckling pig, pear-celery chestnuts). I have to say
that although the dish tasted good, I had some real issues with its execution. Primarily because the skin and about a
quarter of inch of meat from the belly side of the pork was extremely rubbery
and inedible. The rib portion of the ribs was tasty though. And, I have to give credit
to the Chef for not making it too salty.
Typically, most Chefs cook pork with a heavy hand with the salt.
Ris de veau braisés,
carrottes fondantes à la réglisse (sweetbreads braised carrot fondant with
licorice). This is the one dish our
waiter recommended. I had a taste of
this dish, and I have to honestly say I was wowed with this dish. Texturally,
the dish was well executed. Sweetbreads are not often cooked where outside
layer is slightly crispy. The crispy bite followed a smooth soft interior
coupled with the braised carrots was a hit all-around.
Pavé de cabillaud de ligne,
duxelle de champignons crème (cod steak with creamed mushrooms). The fish was
perfectly cooked, very tender and very moist. Although it was accompanied with
mushrooms, they forgot to mention that it also had some chestnuts. The
accompaniment to me was actually more tasty than the fish, but together it was a
good dish.
Volaille pochée sauce
suprême, ravioles de légumes à l'estragon (poached chicken with vegetable
ravioli and tarragon). Our friend said the dish was cooked perfectly and was
Soufflé au grand marnier,
caramel au beurre salé (grand Marnier soufflé with salted butter caramel). I had a taste of this dish, yum-yum, it was
delicious. Very simple, but very tasty, a hit for us.
Pomelos et pavlova, glace à
l'estragon (grapefruit pavlova with tarragon
ice-cream). Very nicely and lightly done. The grapefruit was quite mild (almost tasting like orange) and the pavlova, placed in between a crust, was just perfect and not cloyingly sweet. A hit and an excellent way to finish the meal.
And, as usual I had the
cheese plat. A good selection of strong
to mild cheeses with a little citrus mâche.
If you live in the 9eme, or
are staying nearby, then I highly recommend it. It’s a great neighborhood
restaurant. However, I would not go out of my way for this restaurant. Keep in
mind you’re going for the food and not the ambiance. It not only lacks ambiance, but space. You will feel quite packed in, with very little aisle
space; hence, unless you're sitting against a wall don’t be surprised if you get bumped or banged into a lot.
As for the service, it was
excellent. There was a bartender and waiter, each helping one another serve.
The food was above average, with some just so-so, but a few dishes truly
wowed us.
For 5-people and a whole
bottle of white wine with a half-bottle of red and one digestif, our bill came
to 250€ (50€ each).
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