I came across this restaurant totally by chance, since I rarely go to the "Champs-Élysées". In fact the last time I was there was during the covering of the Arch by Christo. Net-net it's a place I normally choose NOT to go. If you're from San Francisco, you will get this, It's like a large, wide POWELL street.
Rating Standards: 5-Stars = Extraordinary; 4-Stars = Excellent; 3-Stars = Average; 2-Stars = Fair; 1-Star = Poor
€ = Inexpensive: 30€ and under; €€ = Moderate: 31€-49€; €€€ = Expensive: €50 -75; €€€€ = Very Expensive: more than €76 (prices based on minimum 2-courses)
1-Bell = Pleasantly quiet (less than 65 decibels); 2-Bells = Can talk easily (65-70); 3-Bells = Talking normally gets difficult (70-80); 4-Bells = Can talk only in raised voices (75-90); BOMB = Too noisy for normal conversation (90+)
4.25 - Stars...................................€€€...................................... 4.5- Bell
The restaurant is quite small, in fact they had to seat us in such a way that they actually had to push up the tables against 3-people, which locked them up against the wall. It was cozy and we didn't mind. I insisted I sit on the other side since I go to the restroom quite a bit, I know TMI.
They had a nice menu. There was something for everyone. And, I really thought the prices were quite reasonable.
FYI..., although this restaurant is located close to famous "George V" (the hotel/restaurant) they are not affiliated with them.
NOTE: I'm only to review the dishes that I had, but posted pictures of the some other food others ordered.
Nothing special about this dish. The anchovies were floating on top of layer of extra virgin olive oil that you spread on a piece of bread topped with an anchovy. I liked it, but nothing special.
However, the others said their entrees were fabulous. (refer to the photos below)
Poulpe grille, poitrine de porc confite, sauce vierge, puree maison
(Grilled octopus, confit pork belly, virgin sauce, homemade puree)
This was a take on "Surf and Turf" I absolutely adored this dish. Who would've thought that grilled octopus could be the "surf". The octopus was so tender, and jokingly we said they must've beat the hell out of it to tenderize it. The porc confit, although characteristically fatty was delicious and not heavy nor fatty. The accompanying potatoes served two-ways, mashed and quartered roasted was great. And, then carrots both-ways, pureed and in roasted strips. Even the pureed carrots had chunks of whole potatoes. I loved the play on ingredients, no complaints. And, the portions were perfect for me. A hit!
JJ loved this dish. I took a taste of it and I too loved it, the crumble was not too sweet and not at all soggy from the pureed rhubarb and pear. I normally don't like dates, I find them too sweet, but the date ice cream was light and not overwhelming.
Overall, I thought this was a hit.
Other dishes, avocado and the foie gras
As I mentioned I rarely ever go to the "Champs-Élysées". Too touristy for my taste. However, around the periphery of the "Champs" there are some fabulous restaurants, as we discovered with this restaurant.
The service was IMPECCABLE. It is a very small restaurant so can get extremely noisy and it was very difficult for all of us to hear each other. I would say the patrons were half french and half Americans.
They provided a lot of choices on the menu that could satisfy anyone. The food was excellent. The only complaint I have was that it was too noisy. You could not carry on a conversation, so I knocked them down .25 points for the noise level. Would I go back? ABSOLUTELY, if I can muster enough strength to get through the throng of tourists along the "Champs".
With 2-coups de champagne, 1-aperol spritz, 1-pastis, several bottles of water, 6-entrees (note 2-people ordered 2-entrees each, rather than ordering a plat), 3-plats 1-bottle of wine. 3-desserts. Our bill came to €323 or €65 per person.
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