
"The evolving Francophile..."

My husband Jack has always wanted to live in Paris and learn French. I thought it would be good for him to achieve his life time dream. Hence, we moved to Paris in 2008. My first year was difficult. I started "missives" to relieve some stress and chronicle my life so friends back in the US could read what I am experiencing. I currently write about my food in Paris, which is my passion., travel experiences, and "experiences living in Paris."

It is definitely a challenge to live here, but each year it gets easier, and quite enjoyable, in large part because I value friendships over locale. I have a love/hate relationship with Paris as do most Parisians, mais La vie est belle (but life is good)!

Tuesday, October 25, 2022



COMME D'HAB "AS USUAL," I am in the US for the winter and will not be returning to Paris until late April 2023.

I will resume my reviews of Paris restaurants in May 2023.

I want to wish everyone a happy winter season and HAPPY HOLIDAYS.

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