
"The evolving Francophile..."

My husband Jack has always wanted to live in Paris and learn French. I thought it would be good for him to achieve his life time dream. Hence, we moved to Paris in 2008. My first year was difficult. I started "missives" to relieve some stress and chronicle my life so friends back in the US could read what I am experiencing. I currently write about my food in Paris, which is my passion., travel experiences, and "experiences living in Paris."

It is definitely a challenge to live here, but each year it gets easier, and quite enjoyable, in large part because I value friendships over locale. I have a love/hate relationship with Paris as do most Parisians, mais La vie est belle (but life is good)!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Les Petits Plats revisted -- A video presentation

39, rue des Plantes 14eme T

Our good friend and talented film maker, Archie Ibardalosa and his wife Joyce Ibardalosa created this wonderful overview of one of our favorite restaurants in Paris "Les Petits Plats", presented by myself and Steve Kocheran!

To contact Archie Ibardolasa, go to his website at www.1080vision.com.

See video at:


Special thanks to Les Petits Plats for allowing us time to film during their busy schedule!

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